Observer: The Presence Of IKN Can Help The Energy Transition Process From Fossil To Renewable

Energy economy observer from Padjadjaran University (Unpad) Yayan Satyakti revealed that the presence of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) can help Indonesia in the process of transitioning energy from fossils to new and renewable energy (EBT).

"It can help with the energy transition. Why is that? Because we can use the circular economy (recycling economy)," Yayan said, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, January 17.

According to him, the energy source for electricity at IKN must not rely entirely on conventional plants.

Thus, power plants in the IKN region are truly independent or outside the conventional generating system.

"When this independent power plant is ready, the energy source can be from the Sun, considering that the East Kalimantan region is near the equator and this can be potential. I think the infrastructure can also be done, both hardware and software. Then, for IKN buildings, it can also be done by adopting smart buildings, so it can save more energy," said Yayan.

In addition to solar power plants, IKN can also use microhydro power plants as an alternative energy source considering that there are many rivers in the IKN area.

Energy sources in IKN can also use biomass where the feedstock is from residual palm oil.

Biodiesel such as B30 or B40 from palm oil can also be environmentally friendly fuel for transportation at IKN. Another renewable energy source that can be adopted at IKN is biogas originating from waste and others.

"Is it possible to become a circular economy? Yes, if the sectors or environmentally friendly energy investment can be mobilized properly, it can increase the need, apart from the power plant sector and also for the needs of the feedstock," said Yayan.

This raw material, he continued, can certainly create jobs because it requires contributions from palm oil farmers as the main supplier of palm oil and the community around IKN as a workforce that becomes the operator so that it can create green jobs at IKN.

Through the implementation of these EBT sources, in addition to making the IKN and surrounding areas clean and environmentally friendly, it is also more inclusive and increases the positive effects of a special series of IKN and surrounding areas.

Based on Presidential Regulation Number 63 of 2022 concerning the Details of the Main Plan for the Capital City of the Archipelago, the energy supply strategy is designed to meet the net zero emission target in the key performance index (KPI).

Its energy strategy is designed in stages to support population growth projections from the capital city of Nusantara.

KPI in the provision of electricity is an installation of renewable energy capacity to meet 100 percent of the energy needs of the capital city of Nusantara by 2045.