14 Heads Of Offices Still Being Examined By The KPK, North Maluku Provincial Government Ensures Maximum Public Service

TERNATE - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of North Maluku stated that public service activities are still running, although there are dozens of heads of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) for almost two weeks undergoing examination by investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) related to the inactive North Maluku Governor's (OTT) arrest operation. Abdul Gani Kasuba (AGK).

"Until now, a number of OPD leaders must focus on undergoing examination by KPK investigators, so the North Maluku Provincial Government hopes that the public can understand the current conditions," said North Maluku Provincial Secretary Samsuddin A Kadir, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 17.

Based on information obtained in the field, as many as 14 OPD leaders within the North Maluku Provincial Government from 10-16 January 2024 underwent examination by KPK investigators centered at the Mako Brimob Polda Malut Ternate City.

In fact, a number of OPD leaders examined by KPK investigators are currently difficult to contact because they feel that their daily activities are always monitored by the KPK, so communication activities are very limited.

However, the North Maluku Provincial Secretary stated that services within the North Maluku Provincial Government are still running normally, if anyone wants to meet the OPD leadership and the person concerned is not there, they can meet the staff below him.

The OPD leadership as many as 14 underwent examination as witnesses related to the OTT of the inactive North Maluku Governor of AGK, including the Head of DPKAD Ahmad Purbaya, the Head of DKD Miftah Baay, the Head of Bapenda Zainab Alting, the Head of ESDM Suriyanto, the Head of Health Office Idhar Sidi Umar, Kadikbud Imran Yakub and Kadispora Saifuddin Djuba.

Previously, investigators again examined a number of people in the alleged corruption case involving AGK and Faoniah Djauhar's wife undergoing examination on Tuesday (16/1).

Faoniah was also questioned at the North Maluku Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters in Ternate City.

Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri said that the investigation into the alleged bribery case for project procurement and licensing at the North Maluku Provincial Government with suspects AGK and friends was continuing.

Previously, the KPK had named the inactive North Maluku Governor, AGK along with six other people as suspects. They are the Head of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service Daud Ismail, Head of the Adnan Hasanudin Settlement and Housing Service, Head of the Goods and Services Procurement Bureau Ridwan Arsan, aide to the governor Ramadan Ibrahim and Stevi Thomas and Kristian Wuisan from the private sector.

Apart from Faoniah, the KPK also examined the contractor for the Saketa-Gane Dalam road project, Sigit Litan alias Acam, Director of PT Modern Raya Indah Pratama.

A number of people who were also questioned were Gamalia Kaunar and Windi Claudia as well as other private parties such as Lucky Radjapati, Simon Suyantho, and Idris Husen.

Previously, Deputy Chairman of the KPK Alexander Marwata at a press conference stated that the arrest and determination of the suspect was carried out based on public information on allegations of corruption by state officials or representing him related to the implementation of the project in North Maluku at the end of December 2023.

"The KPK team found that there were transactions through bank accounts and holding accounts held by the Republic of Indonesia as one of the AGK's confidants. From this information, the team immediately secured the parties who were in a hotel in South Jakarta and he had several private residences and places to eat in Ternate," he explained.

The cash that was secured in this silent operation was around Rp. 702 million as part of the receipt of Rp. 2.2 billion.

"The parties who were secured were then taken to the KPK building for further questioning.