4 Years Of Vacuum, Catherine Wilson Balik Main Film Becomes Nyi Gendis

JAKARTA - Artist Catherine Wilson returns to play in films after 4 years of being on hiatus from the world of acting. Keket, his nickname playing in a film directed by Helfi Kardit entitled Rambut Kafan.

"Yesterday, it was four years, yes, this is my first film again because it was previously Covid-19," said Catherine Wilson in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 16.

In this film, Keket plays one of the key characters in this film, namely Nyi Gendis.

"In this film Rambut Kafan I play Nyi Gendis," said Catherine Wilson.

Returning to acting, Keket explained the reason he chose the horror genre as his film. One of the reasons is because he missed to act again.

"Because the story is good, he keeps getting to know Mr. fire, he's an old friend of mine, and I also miss playing movies, so I'm very happy to be able to play a role in Kafan's hair," he explained.

Seeing this, this 42-year-old woman admitted that she was very excited and nervous because she had not acted for a long time.

"Yes, what is certain is that it's really excited, then it's definitely because I haven't been shooting for a long time, I happened to shoot it with my old friends, so there's Virnie Ismail, there's Yama Carlos, then there's Bulan Sutena, who just met in this film, it's just really fun, right," he concluded.