So That The Park Is Safe, These Are 6 Plants That Are Not Liked By Snakes
YOGYAKARTA A beautiful garden needs to be protected from pests. To prevent snakes from entering the garden area, you can add certain types of plants. This snake expulsion plant is important to grow, especially if you live in an area where reptiles breed. Here are the plants that need to be planted around the garden to get rid of snakes.
Marigold has a strong spicy aroma and bloom flowers are red, yellow, and orange which makes snakes move away. Launching Homes&Gardens, Tuesday, January 16, these bright and beautiful flowers look innocent, but marigold roots grow aggressively. This sturdy root is the expulsion of snakes. They emit a strong odor that drives snakes and ground mice. They can also reach where snakes are hiding, so the smell will reach deep into the ground.
Margold is one of the annual soft plants. This plant can also thrive in the sun during the months. You can plant marigold from the seeds, and make them produce new flowers to get rid of snakes. Marigold is also good to plant to pull the butterfly.
Thanks to its high sulfonat content, the smell of allium plants is pungent. It is also effective at repelling snakes because it has striking dark purple flowers such as pom-poms. You can plant as a confining fence. But keep in mind, the leaves are wide and less beautiful which is the perfect place for turtles to hide.
Enough luck to live in a warmer climated area. Then you can plant the lemongrass and add it to your list of wasp expulsion plants too. The lemongrass grows well in the sun, humid, and warm areas. The aroma is like a refreshing orange, and this is able to get rid of snakes all the way. Tropical findries can grow throughout the year. Just add a little muda for protection.
Known as a snake plant or sansevieria. These plant leaves rise and wind like a sword that makes snakes feel uncomfortable. There is no clear reason why snakes are afraid of this plant. Either because of its threatening shape or because of its sharp leaf edges. This plant is an eternal plant that thrives outdoors or indoors. But avoid sansevieria being exposed to the sun directly because it makes the leaves answer.
This plant is often processed into skincare. The charm of this plant may lie in its silver and soft-haired leaves. Mugwort also has a pungent aroma and is not liked by snakes.
Mugwort is a plant that is easy to grow. But in the winter season, they will lose their leaves. But it will grow back when the temperature is warmer.
The color of the flowers is cheerful, but unexpectedly it can help you keep the garden from being approached by snakes. This shrub grows low and is good for soil cover. They prefer full sunlight or partial shade. But prefer to be on fertile soil, moisturizing, and have good drainage.
Those are the six plants that snakes fear. In addition to the plants mentioned above, you can also apply herbal plants, namely basil or kemangi in the back garden. In addition to being able to make dishes, it can keep the home area safe from the arrival of snakes.