A Total Of 28 Buildings In IKN Will Be Functional June 2024, Here Are The Details

The Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) revealed that there are 28 buildings in IKN that are targeted to be built and functional in June 2024.

"Incidentally, we also often monitor the PUPR ministry. In other words, we call it a target and it is actually in confirmation. But, if I look at it, the buildings can indeed be used for the government there when the government moves there," said Deputy Expert for Facilities and Infrastructure at OIKN, Bonie Erwanto, to reporters in The Westin, Jakarta, Monday, January 15.

"So, that's indeed the ecosystem in such a way that the target in my opinion is realistic," he continued.

The buildings and housing targeted to be built and functional at IKN in June 2024, are buildings built with APBN funds, such as the National Aquabu Mosque, the Presidential Palace and the Ministry of State Secretariat Building.

In addition, the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Building, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture Building, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment and the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Building.

Then, there is the Bank Indonesia Building, the Beranda Nusantara Area, Plaza Bhinneka, the Polrestabes Building and the Command Center.

There are also 12 flat towers (power) for ASN and Hankam personnel targeted to be built and functional in June.

Then, the development of construction workers' housing in IKN, waste management and waste in the development area (WP) 1A and 1B, the Gas Insulated Substation Building from PLN and international-scale hospitals from the Ministry of Health.

Meanwhile, buildings and housing from targeted non-APBN funding include Nusantara Superblock (mal, apartment), Hotel Nusantara, Hotel Pakuwon, BSH Mandiri (Community Hub), PSSI Training Center, Telkom Smart Office (Fase 1), Taman Tematics/Botanical Garden, Bluebird Park and Ride, Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Mayapada Hospital and Hermina Hospital.

Bonie said the progress of the construction of the 28 buildings was quite diverse, which was around 90 percent to 95 percent.

Even so, he continued, his party is targeting that all the buildings can be functional in June.

"If I receive the information in June (2024) it is functional. It means that (the progress) must vary, some 90 percent, 95 percent, but at least it can be functional like a building or residence," said Bonie.