How To Mitsubishi Enrich The Insights And Preparations Of The Future Of Indonesian Children

JAKARTA - PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia (MMKSI), as a company that grows with the Indonesian people, has again shown its commitment to supporting people's lives and culture in Indonesia. In this effort, MMKSI organized "Kids Life's Adventure Park (KLAP)" with the theme "Perakian Akhir Pekan".

The event, which was held on Saturday, January 13, 2024, at the Jakarta Escape Change House, was designed to enrich the insight and equip the future of Indonesian children. More than just entertainment, this activity is packaged with various fun educational activities.

The theme of this year's event focuses on traditional culture and local wisdom, which is adapted to the location of the implementation in the Bekasi area, West Java. A total of 300 underprivileged children aged 7 to 15, who came from orphanages and schools around the location, were invited to participate.

"Our main goal in carrying out this event is as a commitment of Mitsubishi Motors to continue to contribute to the people of Indonesia, especially children as the next generation of the nation," said Atsushi Kurita, President Director of PT MMKSI.

Furthermore, he stressed that even though this event was designed to be fun, MMKSI still inserted substantial educational content. The hope is that participants can take valuable lessons that can be applied in their lives later.

Not only organizing events, but MMKSI also provides donations in the form of improvements and additional facilities in several invited orphanages and schools. This effort aims to improve the comfort and quality of life of children living in these institutions.

Meanwhile, in a series of events, MMKSI also brought a TRITON Educar car unit, marking the peak of the TRITON Educar Roadshow "Petualan Akhir Pekan," which has visited three major cities in Indonesia.

In the spirit of togetherness, MMKSI employees also participate as volunteers, acting as "parents a day" for children in orphanages. This participation is expected to provide a memorable experience and leave a positive emotional footprint for children.