'Mr. Yusril Wants To Emphasize What?', Investigators Ask During Witness Examination Relieves Firli Bahuri

JAKARTA - Legal expert, Yusril Ihza Mahendra has finished giving his statement as a reduced witness or a de charge for the suspect Firli Bahuri in the alleged extortion or gratification case against the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, at Bareskrim, today.

During the examination, Yusri did not remember how many questions were asked. Because, at that time investigators invited him to deliver his statement.

"I don't remember, because I'm like this, I'm being examined not as a fact witness, if the fact witness was asked maybe one or two three four five (questions), but I was asked 'Mr. Yusril want to explain what? Please explain'. So I have more initiatives to explain something that comes from me, "said Yusril to reporters, Monday, January 15.

"Because I explain this, from my own perspective both in terms of science and also from the facts that have been developing regarding Pak Firli's case," he continued.

However, Yusril emphasized that one of the examination materials was about a photo showing a meeting between Firli Bahuri and Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

According to him, the photo cannot be used as evidence. Because, it does not explain anything about the alleged extortion or gratification.

"So a photo like that must be called, supported by other evidence. For example, someone heard the conversation when Pak Yasin and Pak Firli were sitting together, but no one witness explained anything like that," he said.

Moreover, said Yusril, the photo is considered only a clue which shows that there was a meeting of the two former state officials.

"So the photo is at least just a sign that it is true that there has been a meeting between Mr. Firli and Mr. Yasin, but it does not prove that the photo occurred extortion or a request for gratification from Mr. Firli against Mr. Yasin Limpo," he said.

"So I think the photo should be put aside because it doesn't explain what it is," continued Yusril.

Yusril Ihza Mahendra is one of three mitigating witnesses proposed by Firli Bahuri. Two other witnesses namely Prof. Romli Atmasamita and Prof. Suparji Ahmad.

The three names of mitigating witnesses have been submitted to Polda Metro Jaya investigators through a registered letter number 251/IISPA/XII/2023, dated December 20.

However, Romli Atmasasmita refused to be used as a mitigating witness on the grounds of not knowing and seeing the alleged extortion.