Yusril Says Firli Bahuri's Case Of Rice SYL Is Better To Stop

JAKARTA - Legal expert, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, believes that the alleged extortion or gratification case against former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo who named Firli Bahuri as a suspect is better off handling it.

Termination of the investigation of the case can be done through pretrial methods and the issuance of a letter of termination of investigation or SP3.

"Actually, it is better if this case is terminated. It can be stopped in a precrete manner, SP3 can also be issued," said Yusril to reporters before giving his statement to investigators at Bareskrim Polri, Monday, January 15.

Reflecting on the results of the pretrial hearing filed by Firli Bahuri some time ago, the judge's decision did not reject the lawsuit. But did not accept.

The reason for the decision was because Firli Bahuri's camp mixed formal and material materials in its lawsuit.

"The pretrial was not rejected. The pretrial application was unacceptable, it was not rejected, meaning that the judge did not enter the matter of the case because the exception of the defendant Polda Metro Jaya was accepted, namely that the pretrial application mixed the formal and material ones," said Yusril.

On the other hand, Yusril also highlighted the evidence in the case. One of them is a photo showing a meeting between Firli Bahuri and Syahrul Yasin Limpo on one of the badminton fields. According to him, the evidence does not explain anything, including the alleged extortion.

The photo is considered only linked by investigators. This is because the photo was taken or made in 2022 before the investigation into the alleged corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture or the determination of Syahrul Yasin Limpo as a suspect.

"The photo doesn't explain anything, just take a photo. In the photo, it doesn't appear that one person blackmails the other, it doesn't exist," said Yusril.