Regional Office Of DGT South Jakarta II Receives IDR 67.83 Trillion From Tax Revenue In 2023

JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes South Jakarta II (Kanwil DJP Jaksel II) managed to collect tax revenues in 2023 amounting to IDR 67.83 trillion or 103.2 percent of the target of Presidential Regulation 75/2023 of IDR 65.73 trillion.

Head of the South Jakarta DGT Regional Office II Neilmaldrin Noor conveyed that the achievement of tax revenues in 2023 experienced positive growth of 5.4 percent from the realization of tax revenues the previous year.

"This is the success of the South Jakarta Regional Office of DGT II in realizing the tax revenue target for four consecutive years," he explained in his official statement Friday, January 12, 2024.

Neilmaldrin said that this achievement occurred in 2020, 2021, and 2022, the South Jakarta II DGT Regional Office also managed to exceed the revenue target mandated.

"This success cannot be separated from the participation of the community and stakeholders, especially taxpayers who have carried out their tax obligations properly," he said.

This success was experienced by all Tax Service Offices within the South Jakarta II DGT Regional Office.

In detail, the realization of tax revenues from each of the KPPs is as follows, KPP Madya South Jakarta II is IDR 24.45 trillion or 101.73 percent.

Then KPP Madya Dua South Jakarta II around Rp. 16.58 trillion or 102.34 percent, and KPP Pratama Jakarta Kebayoran Baru One amounting to Rp. 10.27 trillion or 106.14 percent.

Furthermore, KPP Pratama Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Dua amounted to Rp2.62 trillion or 103.73 percent, KPP Pratama Jakarta Kebayoran Lama Rp4.18 trillion or 105.26 percent and KPP Pratama Jakarta Pesanggrahan Rp908.89 billion of 104.29 percent.

KPP Pratama Jakarta Pasar Minggu amounting to Rp4.22 trillion or 104.63 percent, KPP Pratama Jakarta Cilandak around Rp3.73 trillion or 104.31 percent); and KPP Pratama Jakarta Jagakarsa Rp826.99 billion or 103.68 percent.

Neilmaldrin said that the achievement of tax revenue for the South Jakarta Regional Office of DGT II in 2023 based on types of taxes is dominated by Income Tax (PPh) of IDR 38.2 trillion or 58.17 percent of the realization of revenues.

Meanwhile, the business sector that contributed the largest to the realization of tax revenue was the trade sector at 30.22 percent.

Neilmaldrin also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to all parties, especially taxpayers who have carried out their tax obligations properly and correctly as well as all agencies, institutions, associations, and other third parties who have cooperated in increasing tax awareness and compliance.