Kendari City Government Normalizes Drainage And Rivers To Anticipate Floods

KENDARI - Kendari City Government, Southeast Sulawesi, carried out drainage normalization and river to anticipate the negative impact of flood disasters.Acting (Pj) Kendari Mayor Muhammad Yusup said that his party currently has a number of strategic actions to anticipate the threat of flood disasters that often hit Kendari City when the rainy season arrives."We have been on alert and vigilant, when the rainy season comes," said Yusup when met in Kendari, Friday, January 12.He mentioned that in the normalization of drainage and river activities in Kendari City, his party mobilized Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), sub-district heads, and village heads together with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda)."Alhamdulillah, we see for ourselves how enthusiastic the community is, especially the government in cleaning up their environment, this is to prevent us from being hit by floods," said Yusup while reviewing the drainage normalization process in Kendari City.Yusup explained that for this normalization, his party had directed the Environment and Forestry Service (DLHK) to use heavy equipment to dredge drainage that was buried in sediment.“ It is very big that the change in our environment has become clean, the sewers that were previously clogged have slowly begun to be addressed, and what I really appreciate is the enthusiasm of the people involved in them. This is what we hope to raise public awareness,” he said.The head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Southeast Sulawesi Province also added that the Kendari City Government currently has a commitment to continue to boost city cleaning actions to provide a sense of security and comfort to the entire Kendari City community.
"And there are starting to be several changes in locations that are puddles. The normalization of drainage and river activities in Kendari City will continue to prevent flood disasters that have become annual disasters in Kendari City," said Yusup.