BPBD Agam: 126 People Are In Hazardous Eona Of Marapi Eruption

AGAM - The Agam Regency Government, West Sumatra, through the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) recorded around 126 people in two villages or villages located at a radius of 4.5 kilometers of Marapi crater.

"Based on temporary data, the 126 people are in Nagari Bukit Batabuah, Canduang and Nagari Sungai Pua sub-districts, Sungai Pua," said Head of BPBD Agam Bambang Warsito in Lubuk Basung as reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 12.

He said that for Nagari Bukik Batabuah there were 31 heads of families (KK) with 100 people living in 27 housing units.

"In Nagari Bukik Batabuah, the location is in Kalimpariak, there are 12 housing units, 13 families with 47 people. Then Tabek Gadang with five housing units inhabited by six families containing 24 people," said Bambang.

Then in Bareco Hamlet with five housing units inhabited by 6 families 17 people and Ateh Rubai five housing units inhabited by 6 families, 12 people.

"In addition to the Bukik Batabuah, in Jorong Limo, Kampuan Sungai Pua there are 9 houses inhabited by 9 families, 26 people," he said.

According to him, people living at a radius of 4.5 kilometers were asked to be evacuated to relatives' homes.

"But for the evacuation it was not easy, because the community had to leave livestock and fields," said Bambang Warsito.

In accordance with discussions with the nagari government and other related parties, people can do activities during the day and at night have to evacuate to their relatives' homes.

"This is socialized to people who are in dangerous zones," he said.