Solo City Bawaslu Receives Report Of Alleged Ganjar Committing Campaign Violations At CFD

SOLO - The Solo City Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) received a report of alleged campaign violations by presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo while at a car free day (CFD) activity on Jalan Slamet Riyadi, on December 24, 2023.

The Coordinator of the Solo City Bawaslu Violation, Data and Information Handling Division, Poppy Kusuma, said the report was received Wednesday afternoon January 10.

"The presidential candidate number 3 was reported to be related to activities at CFD Jalan Slamet Riyadi because at that time there was an activity to distribute internet vouchers and it was suspected that there was an invitation to choose one of the candidate pairs," Popy said Thursday, January 11.

In the incoming complaint, he continued, what the Ganjar presidential candidate was doing was suspected of violating Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, and Article 280 of PKPU No. 20 of 2023.

"The reporter attached a number of evidences, both photos and videos. We have received the report, and we are currently making an initial study to ensure that the formal and material requirements are fulfilled. If it meets the requirements, we will register the report," said Poppy.

In addition, he continued, his party also conducted a study to determine whether there was an election violation or not. If it is found and is included in the election, then the Solo City Bawaslu will forward it to Gakkumdu (Integrated Law Enforcement).

"If it is not a election crime, we will process it internally as an administrative violation. Then if there is no violation of the complainant, we will still give the opportunity to repair the complaint file. We will give two days," he said.

Separately, when contacted, Indra Wiyana as the reporter for presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo to Bawaslu Solo City said he made the report after seeing the video sent to him on January 7, 2024.

"In the video, there were several volunteers distributing free internet credit and saying from Mr. Ganjar and there was an invitation to choose Mr. Ganjar. After seeing that, I immediately made a report to the Solo City Bawaslu," he said.

In addition to the report, Indra also said that he had attached three videos showing the activity of distributing credit vouchers and the invitation to choose one of the presidential candidates as evidence to the Solo City Bawaslu.

"Materi laporan insyaallah lengkap, kita memberikan bukti-bukti videonya. Kemarin saya sudah diperiksa Bawaslu katanya dua hari akan dikabari updatenya," ucapnya.

Asked about the report he made, Indra said that his party only hoped that the 2024 General Election would be honest and fair and transparent.

"Yes, I hope that as a people who care about democracy, in order to create elections that are fair, transparent, and if they find an election criminal act, they encourage the public to report to Bawaslu," he concluded.