Anies: The Role Of The State Is To Build A Healthy Market Ecosystem

JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan said the state must play a role in building a healthy or conducive market ecosystem so that national economic development can be realized.

The health that Anies means is to provide space for freedom and equality or justice at the same time.

"Health, one gives space for freedom and on the other hand benefits or equality (justice, ed.) opportunities for all," said Anies after attending the Joint Debate of Kadin Towards Indonesia Gold 2045 at Djakarta Theater, Jakarta, Thursday, January 11.

By building an ecosystem or climate like that, said the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, it will make competition in the market healthy.

When the business competition or market is healthy, Anies continued, the ones who will receive the benefits are the state, business actors, and the community.

"A healthy competition like this will make the market develop better. We will all get optimal benefits," said the former Chancellor of Paramadina University (UI).

According to Anies, the active involvement of all parties, including the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) will help create a conducive market ecosystem.