77 Agam Residents Immediately Evacuated From The Hazard Zone Of Mount Marapi

AGAM - As many as 77 residents of Agam Regency, West Sumatra who live on the slopes of Mount Marapi were immediately evacuated after data collection was carried out by the joint team because they were in the danger zone of a radius of 4.5 kilometers.

"The results of the data collection with BPBD, TNI, Polri, PMI, the sub-district or village or nagari, there are 77 of our residents living at a radius of 4.5 kilometers from the crater of Mount Marapi," said the village head or Wali Nagari Bukik Batabuah, Agam Regency, Firdaus, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 11.

According to him, the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) had previously stated that a radius of 4.5 kilometers had become a zone that had to be vacated because the increase in the level of Mount Marapi (2.891 mdpl) was level III or alert.

The 77 people consist of 20 families (KK). Not only that, some residents also have nine cattle.

"According to regulations, they must be evacuated. However, because there is no clarity regarding logistics and other matters, while they stay at relatives' homes in the safe zone," explained Firdaus.

He revealed that the residents lived in the Kalimpariak Dusun Bareco Hantantiang area, Jorong Batang Silasiah.

Mount Marapi West Sumatra has experienced a long eruption period since Sunday, December 3, 2023. At its peak, on Tuesday, January 9, the status of the mountain was upgraded to standby by PVMBG.

PVMBG through the Volcano Observer Officer (PGA) noted that to date 119 eruptions and 623 gusts of Mount Marapi occurred.

The local government together with the TNI-Polri and other joint rescue teams have established a main post at the Nagari Batu Palano Guardian Office and two field posts. The field posts are in Bukik Batabuah and Limo Kampuang.