Dozens Of Agam Residents Live On A Radius Of 4.5 Kilometers From Mount Marapi

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Agam Sumatra Regency noted that there were nine families with 26 residents living at a radius of 4.5 kilometers from the crater of Mount Marapi.

"This is based on the data collection we did at the Marapi Dua Jorong Limo KampuanNagari Command Post or Sungai Pua Village, Sungai Pua District," said BPBD Secretary Agam Olkawendri as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 11.

He explained that the data collection was carried out after a joint meeting in response to the status of Mount Marapi up from level II was alert to level III alert.

Currently, he said, two posts have been established, namely Batu Palano and Bukit Batabuah with a large risk of being affected by Marapi's condition.

The establishment of the Command Post was mutually agreed upon after a coordination meeting held in Batu Palano Village with the Commander of Kodim 0304 Agam, the Bukittinggi Police Chief, representatives of PVMBG, and village heads located around the slopes of Mount Marapi.

"If unwanted things happen, we will also prepare evacuations and gathering places as well as rescue facilities to destinations can be achieved," he said.

Agam Regent Andri Warman also appealed to the community around Mount Marapi, climbers, visitors, and tourists not to enter and not to carry out activities within a radius of 4.5 kilometers from the peak of the eruption.

If there is ash rain, the public is advised to use a mask covering the nose and mouth to avoid respiratory tract disorders, as well as other equipment to cover the eyes and skin.

The people who live around the valley and the river that originates at the top of Mount Marapi, should always be aware of the potential for lava that can occur during the rainy season.

In addition, in order to secure clean water facilities and clean the roof of the house from thick volcanic ash so that it does not collapse.

All parties, in order to maintain the conduciveness of the atmosphere in society, do not spread false narratives and are not provoked by issues whose sources are unclear.

"People are expected to always follow directions from local governments," he said.