Ganjar Promises Simplification In Tax Model Reporting

Presidential candidate (candidate) number 3, Ganjar Pranowo is committed to simplifying the tax system through a super application titled Government Super Apps.

"This tax problem is the same, we are being hunted all the time, he said the tax amnesty is still being chased again, it has been answered by the national team," he explained during the dialogue Towards Indonesia Gold 2045 which was held by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, at Djakarta Theater, Jakarta, Thursday 11 January.

Ganjar considered that tax reporting was a problem in itself in the Indonesian economy. In addition, this step was taken because to facilitate tax data collection, payments, it would be easier to record and access.

"Then I said, why don't we do a system report (tax) simplification. If it's there and entering a big system, it's very easy, if you have paid (tax) you don't have to be billed anymore," he explained,

According to Ganjar, the tax sector is one of the things he pays attention to so that it offers super applications as a solution to these various problems, with the hope that reports will arrive quickly to the president.

"Why am I with Mr. Mahfud? Let people be afraid, [be]-That's it. We will prepare the name Government Super Apps. What's that for? To report it so that it can directly reach the president," he said.

Ganjar explained that there is a need for extensification and tax intensification to optimize, not extortion. In addition, he said that he already has data on taxpayers, both those who have paid and paid in full.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, Arsjad Rasjid, conveyed that the tax problem submitted by Ganjar refers to legal certainty and the concern is tax simplification.

Arsjad added that entrepreneurs need legal certainty so that the tax system does not kill entrepreneurs.

"But come back again. The organization of values from humans must be ensured. Don't let the tax kill employers, not big entrepreneurs, until micro and small entrepreneurs have to have balances," he said.