Rumah Airin Diketuk Pemulung Jam 4 Pagi, Apa Ada?

JAKARTA - A scavenger of used goods who lives in a cart in the industrial road 9 area, Gunung Sahari, Sawah Besar District, was targeted by theft victims.

The bag containing his cellphone and Rp600 thousand in cash was stolen by a thief. The theft was discovered when a resident named Airin checked his surveillance video footage (CCTV) which led to the scene.

Seen in the video footage, the victim of an elderly scavenger (elderly) was fast asleep on a wooden bench next to his cart after collecting used goods.

"Initially it was January 9 evening, the father knocked on my house, he wanted to ask for CCTV footage, then my husband was looking for it. Met on CCTV at 4 am," Airin told reporters, Thursday, January 11.

Airin said, before conducting the search, the perpetrator was seen pacing back and forth to monitor the situation, and finally there was the theft.

"What was missing was 600 thousand money with his cellphone and his bag taken. Abis was thrown away from there, there was his bag, close to being turned there, where people gathered (together)," he said.

According to Airin, the scavengers sleep every day on the long seat of Jalan Industri 9, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta.

"If it rains while standing, it's a pity because your father doesn't beg. But he's deadlocked, so he collects used bottles, so maybe he collects the money, in the end people steal it," he said.

The victim has not reported the theft to the police.