High Depression And Blood, General Doctors Found Rotting In South Tangerang

TANGERANG - A doctor named Zaenal (65) was found dead at his home on Jalan Duta Lestari IV A3 No. 12, East Ciputat, South Tangerang (Tangsel).

"The victim died in the house in a supine position. Receiving the report today at 09.30 WIB. The victim is a general practitioner," said East Ciputat Police Chief, Kompol Kemas Arifin when confirmed, Thursday, January 11.

Kemas explained that the incident began when witness Joko and witness Lili contacted witness Saripudin Zuhri (sekuriti), to check the condition of the victim, who had not been seen around the house for several weeks.

"Furthermore, witness Saripudin and witness Joko checked into the victim's house. It turned out that the victim had died. About 3-5 days the victim died. The victim lived alone," he said.

The results of the crime scene (TKP) did not find any signs of violence or injuries to the victim's body.

"The victim died allegedly due to illness and is estimated to have been around for 5 days, because it has emitted an unpleasant aroma," said Kemas.

The pack said that based on the information from the head of the local RT, the victim was depressed and was last seen by residents about 2 months ago.

"The victim lives in his brother's house and lives alone. According to the victim's brother, the victim has a history of high blood disease," he explained.

Then now the victim has been taken to Fatmawati Central General Hospital for Visum Et Referentum.