Often Rained, Natuna Serasan Island Experiences Landslide And Landslide

KEPRI - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) appealed to the people on Serasan Island, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands (Kepri), to be aware of landslides and cracked ground. Head of BPBD Natuna Raja Darmika said there had been a small landslide in Arum Ayam Village, East Serasan District, yesterday. "According to information from the village, at around 11.30 WIB there had been landslides in a small area around the Jami Nurul Hikmah Mosque," he said when contacted by telephone, Thursday, January 11, was confiscated by Antara. In addition to landslides, there were also 5-6 meters long ground cracks in Gunung Genting, Pangkalan Village, Serasan District. He explained that the two events occurred because Serasan Island had often been rained since the last few weeks. "But the cracks were not at the location of the landslide that had occurred in March 2023," he said. Even so, there were no casualties as a result of the two events and currently BPBD Natuna continues to coordinate to find further developments. "No casualties were affected and conditions are still under control," he said.

Ia mengungkapkan, wilayah terjadinya retakan juga berpotensi mengalami longsor ketika terkena guyuran hujan deras.Masyarakat diminta tidak perlu panik dan boleh melakukan aktivitas seperti biasa, namun diingatkan untuk tetap berhati-hati."Tanah longsor masih berpotensi terjadi, jadi perlu dilakukan upaya pencegahan dan mitigasi karena hujan masih berpotensi turun di Pulau Serasan. Selain itu diharapkan kelurahan, desa dan kecamatan mengaktifkan desa tangguh bencana, kelurahan tangguh bencana serta kecamatan tangguh bencana," tandasnya.