Dangers And Reasons For Not Smoking In Cars: Disturb Health To Avoid Crossing

YOGYAKARTA One of the safe driving tips is to stop smoking in the car. The reason is that there is a reason not to smoke in the car that must be watched out for, both related to health, comfort, and safety.

The dangers of smoking in the car not only threaten drivers and passengers, but also other road users. The following is the reason why you shouldn't smoke in the car.

The reason why you should not smoke in the car is the potential for exposure to harmful smoke from cigarettes. Quoted from the Ministry of Health website, cigarettes contain more than 7,000 chemicals and 250 of them are very dangerous for health. Smoke coming out of this toxic substance will endanger the health of smokers.

Exposure to dangerous smoke from cigarettes not only endangers smokers themselves, but other passengers who do not smoke. For this reason, smoking in the car should be avoided.

The fire in conventional cigarettes has the potential to radiate and fall into the skin. When that happens, the coal will trigger burns. Although the wound is relatively mild, it is quite painful. Usually the limb is splashed with fire such as in the hand or in the thigh.

Not only in the skin, but the fire coal can also be sprinkled in the cabin. If the coal is splashed in flammable materials, it will trigger a fire. In addition, cigarette butts that are thrown away also increase the risk of the fire.

Drivers are prohibited from smoking in the car because it has the potential to reduce concentration. This condition can occur because smokers will usually be distracted when disposing of ash, turning off cigarettes, or when lighting cigarettes. When the concentration of driving decreases, the potential for accidents becomes higher.

Another reason why you can't smoke while driving a car is that it endangers other road users. Smokers usually throw cigarette ash carelessly through car windows. Cigarette ash containing coal that is thrown carelessly through car windows has the potential to hit motorcyclists driving behind the car. In fact, not infrequently the case of motorcyclists having accidents or injuries to the eyes is due to the carelessness of smokers.

Did you know that cigarette smoke in the car will leave a mark in the form of a smell? The smell of cigarettes left in the cabin is quite difficult to remove so that it interferes with the comfort of not only motorists but passengers.

Currently, the police will take action against smokers who smoke while driving, including in cars. This rule applies in various regions, for example in Samarinda. Samarinda Police threatens to ticket smokers while driving. Sanctions to be given are in the form of a ticket.

Cigarette smoke can actually enter the AC circulation system and settle. Smoke will also settle in the filter to the AC Evaporator so that the smell is difficult to disappear. The smell of cigarettes will continue to appear especially when the air conditioner is turned on. This not only disturbs comfort but also health.

Cars with the aroma of cigarettes will be more difficult to sell than cars with clean and fragrant conditions. The reason is that not all used car buyers can accept the condition of the car with cigarette flavor. Therefore it is recommended not to smoke in the car.

That's information regarding the reason for not smoking in the car. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.