Surprised By Sukri Asal Lampung, When Cleaning The Land, His Hand Was Struck By A Crocodile

LAMPUNG SELATAN - A man in Bandar Agung Village, Sragi District, South Lampung Regency, Lampung, was injured when he was attacked by a crocodile while clearing the pond area.The man named Sukri had to be rushed to the nearest Puskesmas to get help from the medical team."I was clearing grass in the pond suddenly a crocodile jumped and bit my hand," said Sukri in Palas, South Lampung, Antara, Wednesday, January 10.He admitted that he often saw the costs, which were known to local residents, had never interfered with their activities."It's been a lot, sir, it's not naughty, but how come he's naughty, who was bitten by my hand. Luckily when he bit didn't turn his body around," he said.Sukri managed to break free from the crocodile's teeth when the animal jumped. As a result of this incident, he got 18 stitches in his hand.For this incident, the surrounding community felt scared and alert and worried about the crocodile's presence around the settlement.One local resident said he often saw the costs roaming his pond.
"I kept seeing but never bothered, since there were anglers who shot crocodiles there, so the crocodiles are malignant now," he said.