Symptoms Of Caffeine Overdose: Beware Don't Underestimate, Can Cause Death, Loh!

YOGYAKARTA - Consuming coffee has become a habit for many people. One of the reasons that is often used is the need for caffeine intake to always be maintained. The cafe itself is a stimulant that is technically a drug. Want to know what the symptoms of caffeine overdose are like?

According to the Mayo Clinic, the recommended number of restrictions on consuming caffeine is 400 mg per day for healthy adults.

The amount of caffeine that is comfortable is different for each person based on age, weight, and overall health conditions. Even so, the limitation figure is an average number that is safe for adults to consume.

If consumption exceeds that rate, caffeine overdose can take place. Launching from Healthline, caffeine overdose can be life-threatening in severe cases.

However, the majority of people who experience this condition only show some unpleasant indications and gradually return to normal once caffeine leaves the body. The influence time of caffeine in the blood itself ranges from 1.5 to 9.5 hours.

Safe Caffeine Dose Consumed

According to the United States Ministry of Agriculture (USDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) consider safe daily caffeine consumption of 400 mg (millime) or approximately 2-4 cups of coffee per day.

These natural stimulants can be found in various products with different doses.

Here are some general products that have caffeine and doses:

Be careful, don't let you get addicted to caffeine!

Caffeine Overdose Trigger

Overdose of caffeine takes place when you consume too much caffeine through drinks, food, or medicines. Although it can occur due to drinks and food, this situation is more common because of drugs.

Quoted from Verywell Mind, in humans, more than 150 to 200 mg per kg of weight or 5 to 10 gr of the total digested caffeine is considered deadly.

Not only overdose, consuming caffeine in large doses regularly can also cause hormonal incommensurateness.

There are several symptoms that arise from caffeine overdose. These signs can be vague and You don't expect the result of consuming caffeine. Some of the things you can feel during caffeine overdose include:

Other indications are more severe and require immediate medical treatment, including:

Death Risks Due To Caffeine Overdose

Although it doesn't happen often, caffeine overdose can be very risky and life-threatening. Generally this happens due to ventricle fibrillation or a very unnatural heart rhythm.

Not only that, this situation could be risky because consuming too much caffeine causes a variety of other diseases that are more severe. Some of the severe neurological symptoms result from caffeine such as fights, hallucinations, and seizures.

At very rare levels, this situation can lead to a coma to death. To stay away from this situation, it's a good idea to comply with the caffeine intake limit in 1 day.

Overdoses Of Caffeine In Babies

In some cases, caffeine overdose can occur in babies. Surely this is not because babies drink coffee or caffeinated foods. Overdose of caffeine in babies can be established if breast milk contains excessive caffeine.

Some of the mild indications that may appear include nausea and muscle that is always tense then loosens. Signs of a more serious caffeine overdose in babies can accompany these indications, including vomiting, fast breathing, and shock.

In addition, you can also 'Recognize Caffein Break Symptoms' and find out the reason for not being able to stop drinking coffee as we have provided on this site.

So after knowing the symptoms of caffeine overdose, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!