Construction Of MRT Jakarta Segment Thamrin-Monas Station Reaches 67.26 Percent

JAKARTA - Corporate Secretary Division Head of PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) Ahmad Pratomo explained that the construction of MRT Jakarta phase 2A CP 201 which includes the construction of Thamrin Station and Monas Station has reached 67.26 percent as of December 25, 2023.

Now, the construction of Monas Station has entered the stage of casting the walls and floor of the platform on the conditioning flare, installing the noseblade preparation for jacking at the entrance 1 of Jalan Museum, casting the walls of the structure at the entrance two southwest of Monas.

Partial testing of the electrical mechanical system is also carried out on the main substation, installation of the HVAC system, cable lines, water supply pipes, drainage and fire fighting systems.

Including the completion of architectural work at the main substation, the installation of light brick walls, finishing and painting stations, as well as the installation of sickle frames and the support framework of the station's ceiling.

Meanwhile at Thamrin Station, the work being carried out includes finishing the casting of the station's home floor platform, excavation and casting of the station's ground floor, casting column on the north side of the station.

Then the jet grouting preparations for the construction of four entrances, installation of the OTE Duct north side of the station, rebuilding drainage for the work of the train parking area, and installing drainage pipes under the platform.

"As of December 25, 2023, we are also completing the demolition of the tunnel drilling machine 1. The construction team also continues to work on installing tunnel road as well as casting track beds in the tunnels and installing fire extinguisher pipes," Pratomo said in his statement, Wednesday, January 10.

Meanwhile, the construction of CP 202 which includes the Harmoni'Sawah Besar Station, the progress as of December 25, 2023 has reached 23.81 percent with work coverage covering the work of D-Wall Harmoni, Sawah Besar, and Mangga Besar Stations and D-Wall planting fabrication.

"After the arrival of the CP 203 contract package (Glodok Station and City) on April 20, 2021, his work has continued and is running according to schedule," he explained.

The 2023 CP progress has now reached 42.97 percent with work at Glodok Station including TBM 1 assembly work on the north side of the station, preparation for the launch of TBM 2 on the south side of the station, assembly of smartphones for tunnel construction work, and preparation for the construction of the platform wall.

Meanwhile, at Kota Station, land excavation work is being carried out for upper and lower concourse slabs and construction of the structure.

Meanwhile, the 205 CP progress is in the procurement of a railway and rail system which includes the HI Roundabout. The city is carried out using an international competitive bidding system.

"On November 30, 2023, three contractor companies have submitted proposal documents and are currently undergoing technical and financial evaluations," Pratomo explained.

At CP 206 rolling stock (neighbors), a conditional JICA concurrence has been obtained for the implementation of the tender. The target call for tender is in Q4 2023.

Meanwhile, the CP 207 automatic core collection system (payment system) is in the stage of drafting tender documents and completing contractual and technical aspects. Call for tender will be held in November 2023.

For information, the phase 2A of MRT Jakarta will connect HI Roundabout Stations to cities along about 5.8 kilometers and consist of seven underground stations, namely Thamrin, Monas, Harmoni, Sawah Besar, Mangga Besar, Glodok, and Kota.

Phase 2A is divided into two segments, namely segment one of the HI Roundabout Harmoni which is targeted for completion in 2027, and the two Harmoni's segment of the City which is targeted for completion in 2029.

The Jakarta MRT 2A phase was built at a cost of around Rp. 25.3 trillion through a cooperation loan fund between the Government of Indonesia and Japan.

Meanwhile, Phase 2B MRT Jakarta, which plans to continue from Kota to Depo Ancol Barat, is still in the feasibility study stage.