Suspect Carrying 226 Dogs Claims To Buy IDR 250 Thousand/Ekor

SEMARANG - DH (43), a suspect in ordering hundreds of dogs transported from Subang Regency, West Java, to the City of Surakarta, Central Java, admitted that he bought the animal for Rp. 250 thousand per head in a ready-to-delivery condition.

Wakapolrestabes Semarang AKBP Wiwit Ari Wibisono explained that 226 dogs transported by a truck were planned to be taken directly to Klaten Regency and had been awaited by buyers.

"The plan is to leave the toll road, then to Klaten, there are already buyers. We will trace the buyers," Wiwit said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 10.

Meanwhile, based on the suspect DH's statement, he resold the dogs alive, with prices starting at IDR 350 thousand per head.

"It was sold again in a living condition, IDR 350 thousand per head," said DH, who is a resident of Gemolong, Sragen Regency, Central Java.

When buying, DH admitted that the dogs were ready to carry with their mouths and feet tied and sacked.

DH said the dogs came from about 11 points in the area around Subang Regency.

"They usually buy from people in the village, then notify them when they are ready," continued DH.

DH admitted that he had been involved in the dog buying and selling business for about 10 years. In a month, he admitted that he could sell around 300 to 500 dogs.

According to DH, not all the dogs he sells are for consumption. When buying a dog, DH admitted that it was equipped with a certificate from the livestock service and local police.

"Before leaving to ask for a certificate from the Subang Police, it explained that these animals were not the result of a crime," he said.

For his actions, DH and four other suspects were charged with Law Number 41 of 2014 concerning Animal Husbandry and Health.