How Indonesian Citizens Overseas Participate In The 2024 Election, Here's The Procedure

YOGYAKRTA - The 2024 General Election (Pemilu) is in sight and is just waiting for a matter of weeks. This once every five years democratic party is not only awaited by residents in the country, but also awaited by Indonesian citizens who are abroad. So how do Indonesian citizens abroad participate in this year's election?

Indonesian people who are abroad also have the opportunity to contribute votes in the 2024 General Election. Indonesian citizens in foreign countries can still participate in voting for presidential candidates according to their choice. Elections abroad were held by the KPU through the Overseas Election Committee (PPLN).

The opportunity to participate in the election needs to be utilized as well as possible by Indonesian citizens for the sake of Indonesia's leadership for the next five years. For those of you who want to participate, it is important to know how Indonesian citizens abroad participate in the 2024 General Election.

Indonesian citizens abroad are also required to follow the implementation of the 2024 General Election in accordance with PKPU No. 7 of 2022. Elections abroad will be held early or early voting. There are three voting methods provided by the KPU for Indonesian citizens who are living, working, or studying abroad.

Indonesian citizens abroad can exercise their voting rights through PPLN. The following is how Indonesian citizens abroad participate in elections that can go through three methods:

The use of voting rights for elections can be done by Indonesian citizens by coming directly to polling stations abroad (TPSLN). Indonesian citizens can have directly by coming to polling stations at the Embassy or Consulate General of each country. Generally, TPSLN is also provided at the gathering center of Indonesian citizens.

Another way that Indonesian citizens can participate in the 2024 General Election is to send a voice through the Mobile Voice Box (KSK). This option can be a solution for Indonesian citizens whose location is far from TPSLN. They can vote on the ballot, then put it in the KSK.

For Indonesian citizens who are located far from TPSLN, they can also participate in elections by sending votes via post. They can vote on ballots, then send them via post to PPLN.

Keep in mind that for Indonesian citizens who are abroad, elections abroad are held first (early voting) compared to domestic operations. However, the process of calculating and recapitulating votes is held simultaneously with domestic schedules.

There are a number of requirements to vote in the 2024 General Election. The following are the requirements for voters to be able to participate in the upcoming elections, reported from the KPU's official website:

Furthermore, voters must have registered their names in the Permanent Voter List (DPT). Voters who have registered with the DPT will get a Notification Letter that can be brought to be shown to the TPS when they want to provide a voice choice.

That's how Indonesian citizens abroad participate in the 2024 General Election which can go through three methods. Indonesian citizens whose names have been registered with the DPT can use their voting rights in the ways above. Also read how to move the Election TPS.

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