Letter Of Recommendation For Gibran Case Distributing Milk In CFD Has Been Sent By Bawaslu To The DKI Provincial Government
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) has submitted a recommendation from the Central Jakarta Bawaslu to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government regarding the distribution of milk by vice presidential candidate number two, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, in the Motor Vehicle Free Day/car free day area.
"According to information from the Secretariat, Friday a letter (recommendation from Bawaslu Jakpus) has been brought by staff to be delivered to the DKI Regional Government," said member of the DKI Provincial Bawaslu Sakhroji as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 9.
Thus, the follow-up to the issue of distributing milk by Gibranyang has been
recommended by the Central Jakarta Bawaslu (Jakpus) as another violation of the law has become the authority of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.
Previously, Central Jakarta Bawaslu had
recommending that the distribution of milk in the Motor Vehicle Free Day (HBKB) or "car free day" (CFD) areas along Thamrin Street to HI Roundabout on December 3, 2023 are other violations of the law related to the DKI Governor Regulation Number 12 of 2016.
Apart from Gibran, other reported parties in the same case were candidate from the National Mandate Party (PAN) Eko Hendro Purnomo (Eko Patrio), Sigit Purnomo Syamsuddin Said (Pasha Ungu) and Surya Ula Uya).
Article 7 paragraph (2) of the Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 12 of 2016 concerning the HBKB states that the HBKB or CFD should not be used for the benefit of political parties and SARA as well as the oration of incitement.
The Central Jakarta Bawaslu forwarded the recommendation to the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu to be submitted to the competent authorities in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov).
According to Sakhroji who is also the Coordinator of the DKI Bawaslu Law and Education and Training Division (Diklat), after receiving the successor to the recommendation, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will conduct an assessment and follow up on the case in accordance with the Governor Regulation on HBKB.
A number of sanctions for violators of CFD provisions are regulated in Article 9 paragraph (2) of the Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 12 of 2016 concerning HBKB. Among them are in the letters e, f, and g.
The article states that in the event that participants are found not to comply with the rules in filling out the HBKB implementation event, the organizers of the HBKB will give a warning letter to the participants.
Then, participants who have been given a warning letter continue to violate the implementation of the next HBKB and/or based on the results of the evaluation of the HBKB Working Team, are no longer allowed to fill in activities in the implementation of the next HBKB by being given a blacklist letter.
Finally, in the event that the filling of activities by participants causes violations of order and destruction, the organizers of the HBKB have the right to stop activities.