Differences In Type A Terminal B C: Here's The Retail

YOGYAKARTA - As we know, terminals in Indonesia are divided into three (3) types of terminals, namely terminal types A, terminal type B and terminal type C which have been separated from authority belongs to the Central Government, Provincial Government and Regional Government.

This distribution is carried out based on Law number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Governments, which only divides based on the authority of teminal management. So, what are the differences between type A B C terminals?

The determination of types and terminal classes is carried out based on the function of service, service facilities and service. Based on its service function, passenger terminals are classified into 3 terminal types (PP RI Number. 43 of 1993) namely:

Type A passenger terminals, are those that play a role in serving public passenger vehicles for inter-city transportation between provinces (AKAP), as well as cross-border transportation between countries, inter-city transportation in propination (AKDP), city transportation (AK) and rural transportation (ADES).

The passenger terminal Type B, is the one who plays a role in serving public passenger vehicles for inter-city transportation in the province (AKDP), city transportation (AK) and rural transportation (ADES).

The passenger terminal Type C, is the one who plays a role in serving public passenger vehicles for rural transportation (ADES).

The terminal classification will underlie considerations for the planning needs of various supporting facilities from each type of terminal. Different types will demand different numbers and dimensions of supporting facilities.

Likewise with terminal locations, each type has certain criteria in determining the position according to the type of service it carries.

Not only differentiated based on the type of terminal, but terminals are also distinguished based on terminal classes, namely class 1, class 2 terminals and class 3(PM 132/2015). Terminal class division is set

through a technical study of the intensity of vehicles based on the level of transportation demand, the integration of transportation services, the number of routes, types of transportation services, main facilities as well as supporting terminals and nodes of origin and transportation destinations.

In determining the type of terminal there is a division of authority in the determination process. This authority includes,

Menteri dengan memperhatikan masukan Gubernur, buat terminal penumpang type A,

"The governor takes into account the input of the Regent/Mayor, for the passenger terminal type B,"

The Regent/Mayor takes into account the proposal/input from the SKPD in charge of traffic facilities and infrastructure as well as road transportation for type C terminals, and

The Governor of DKI Jakarta took into account the proposal/input from the SKPD in charge of traffic facilities and infrastructure as well as road transportation for tibe B and C terminals in DKI Jakarta Province.

On the other hand, if there is a change in the determination of the Passenger Terminal, part of the replacement procedure will be carried out which includes,

The replacement is carried out according to an assessment every 5 (five) years,

The replacement is carried out based on changing the road network and regional growth, the assessment is carried out by;

Speaking of terminals, there is information that the 'Type A Terminal of Pakupatan Banten Will be Inaugurated by Jokowi'.

So after knowing the difference between type A B C terminals, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!