After The Fire Of SMKN 3 Bengkulu Students Learning In Change

BENGKULU - Principal of State Vocational High School (SMKN) 3 Bengkulu Mirsalin said the teaching and learning process at the school after the fire would be carried out alternately due to limited classrooms.

In addition, class X and XI students will also be applied online, because classrooms located in the distant class in Lemlahan Village are focused on class XII students because they are close to the graduation exam. "For learning activities we focus on the far class and are enforced alternately. Those that are required to enter the school are class XII while for class XI and X it will be done alternately and online," said Mirsalin, quoted from Antara, Sunday, January 7. Mirsalin explained, the distant class cannot accommodate all students of SMKN 3 Bengkulu who reached 1,570 with five majors while classrooms in Lemlayang Village were unable to accommodate as many students as that because only 18 classrooms were available. Then, for the main school building that was not burned will still be used as a spatial and school administration., "said Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov) Bengkulu will use unexpected expenditure funds (BTT) for the rehabilitation of the construction of the SMKN 3 building in the region after the fire. "I make sure the school was immediately built because it is an urgent need for teaching and learning processes, namely using BTT funds for post-fire rehabilitation rehabilitation," said Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah.

Prior to the construction, he asked the Bengkulu Province Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to calculate the total losses after a number of rooms in the school caught fire. Then, the Bengkulu Province Public Works (PU) Office prepared a reconstruction and action rehabilitation plan. "Then the use of BTT funds for urgent purposes and with an e-catalog model to determine the procurement process so that in January 2024 it can be carried out," explained Rohidin.