West Java BPBD Sends Teams And Assistance To Handling Karawang Floods And Purwakarta Landslides

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Java Province continues to respond quickly and seeks to help flood victims in Karawang Regency.

A total of 1,643 people have been displaced and currently recorded around 100 hectares of agricultural areas have been flooded. The floods that inundated four sub-districts and five villages have occurred since January 1, 2024, with a height of between 10 centimeters and 250 centimeters.

Based on the West Java BPBD report, the flood was caused by high rainfall which caused backflow from the Cibeet River to the Citarum River, and affected the Cidawolong River which is a tributary of the Cibeet River.

Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division (Darlog), Bambang Imanudin, said his party together with Darlog staff, the URC Pusdalops PB Team, the Karawang Regency BPBD, and the Head of BBWS Citarum, Bastari, visited the location of the flood point in Telukjambe Barat.

"One of the locations visited initially was the gathering point, but now it is flooded as well. This could be due to land subsidence or land subsidence. It could also be due to land use transfer," said Bambang.

For handling it, if the water has receded, it is planned that it will immediately work on the construction of retention reservoirs.

West Java BPBD has sent a number of logistical assistance submitted by the Karawang BPBD, such as pallets and basic necessities.

Purwakarta Landslide

Meanwhile in Purwakarta, the West Java BPBD Pusdalops URC Team assigned to the landslide disaster site in Purwakarta Regency has provided quick assessment assistance with the Purwakarta Regency BPBD.

The team visited temporary evacuation points at SDN 2 Sukamulya and Madrasah RT 7 Pamalayan, and visited the location of the cut off road connecting Sukamulya Village and Cisarua Village.

In addition to the village road that was cut off, two water sources that became clean water were covered by landslides.

Currently, a combination of officers from various agencies, TNI, Polri, and volunteers work hand in hand to distribute logistics, map the installation of platoon tents, and open closed road access.

The Field Public Kitchen Team (Dumlap) of BPBD West Java Province has also established a public kitchen to provide food for survivors and officers involved. Likewise from Tagana, Purwakarta Regency. The Health Post was opened at SDN Sukamulya and the Cisarua Village Office Hall.

According to the West Java BPBD report, survivors currently still need tarpaulins, basic necessities, formula milk, mats/fertilizers, mosquito medicines, as well as toiletries and blankets.

If you face an emergency, the West Java BPBD urges the public to contact the BPBD hotline at the mobile number 082317012056 or go directly to the nearest BPBD or Regency/City Fire Department.