Increase In Alutsista Budget Proof Of Non-Sensitive Government Policy

JAKARTA The large increase in the Ministry of Defense's budget in the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget is considered as proof of the government's insensitive policy.

"It is not wise if the policy mitigation is a jor-joran in increasing the infrastructure and defense and security budget, especially the budget for the provision of TNI's defense equipment. This is an unsensitive policy," said Economist Mukher Pakkana, Sunday, January 7.

As is known, in the 2024 State Budget, the Ministry of PUPR received a budget disbursement of IDR 147.37 trillion, followed by the Ministry of Defense IDR 139.27 trillion, the National Police IDR 117.41 trillion, the Ministry of Education and Culture IDR 98.99 trillion, the Ministry of Health IDR 90.48 trillion and the Ministry of Social Affairs IDR 79.21 trillion.

According to Mukher, the allocation for development and defense needs to be reviewed so that it can prioritize education and people's welfare. If it continues, the government must be selective because it involves the fate of the people's economy, especially related to food security.

The ITB Chancellor Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta requested that the allocation of the defense equipment budget be suppressed and diverted to other things such as education and people's welfare. Especially if the increase in the budget uses the strength of foreign debt.

"It would be better if the budget was prioritized more on efforts to realize the welfare of the people, equity, and social justice. Especially in the midst of the uncertainty of the world economy due to the food, oil and gas crisis, geoeconomic and political conflicts, the multiplier effect is definitely felt in Indonesia," concluded Mukher.