Mount Lewotobi In East Flores Eruption Again, People Asked To Follow Local Government Directives

JAKARTA - Mount Lewotobi Male again erupted with a column height of ash observed about 1,500 meters above the top of the mountain, Saturday, January 6. The Lewotobi Volcano Monitoring Post in Wulanggitang District, East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province reported that the eruption was still ongoing.

"There has been another eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki, East Flores Regency on Saturday at 13.21 WITA," said report maker Herman Yosef S Mboro, quoted from ANTARA in Kupang, Saturday afternoon.

The report noted that the ash column was observed to be gray to brown with thick intensity and leaning towards the west.

The eruption was also recorded on a seismogram with a maximum amplitude of 47.3 millimeters and an eruption duration of approximately 20 minutes.

"The eruption is still happening when the report is made," he said.

Meanwhile, based on reports and observations made from 00.00 WITA to 06.00 WITA on Saturday, January 6, it was stated that during that period the eruption continued.

Visually, the mountain is clear to 0-11 fog. Meanwhile, moderate to strong pressure craters were observed to be white and gray intensities thick and 1,000-1,500 meters high above the crater peak.

In addition, continuous eruptions were also observed with a height of 1,500 meters of smoke from the eruption center to the west and southwest, and there was light to moderate ash rain. Meanwhile, at the PGA Lewotobi Laki Post, sulfur was smelled with moderate intensity.

Based on this incident, PVMBG then issued a recommendation so that the people around Mount Lewotobi Laki and visitors or tourists do not carry out any activities within a three-kilometer radius of the eruption center of Mount Lewotobi Laki and four kilometers northwest of north and south-southeast from the eruption center of Mount Lewotobi Laki.

The public is also advised to be calm and follow the local government's directions and not to believe in issues whose sources are unclear.