Muhaimin Highlights Employment Problems: Many Are Working Without A Salary According To Their Work

JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate Muhaimin Iskandar (Gus Imin) is concerned about the condition of employment in Indonesia, saying that there are still many workers who get salaries below the minimum wage.

"Many have worked but do not get adequate social security, do not get insurance regarding basic rights, and most importantly do not get a salary according to the minimum," he said at the Indonesian Resolution event in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 5.

The Vice Presidential Candidate from the Change Coalition said that currently the number of unemployed in Indonesia has reached 8 million people, but the number of workers who have not received job guarantees that are eligible reaches 50 million people.

Gus Imin assessed that he needed definite steps to fix employment problems in Indonesia. Several steps can be taken, namely maximizing existing resources, adding jobs by implementing the concept of reindustrialization, as well as massive investments to improve the quality of human resources.

"Many students, many courses, all groups have competence so that employment opportunities with productivity, and connecting capacity," he said.