The Use Of KTP To Buy 3 Kg LPG Is An Elitis Policy

JAKARTA The government has imposed an ID card for the purchase of 3 kg LPG gas cylinders as of January 1, 2024. This policy certainly invites reactions from the public, including from micro business actors.

According to various sources, until now the purchase of 3 kg LPG gas cylinders is still not mandatory to carry ID cards. However, a number of residents admitted that they objected if the regulation was implemented.

One of them is Umsiah, a warteg trader who admits that until now he has not been asked for an ID card when he bought 3 kg LPG gas at a grocery store. However, Umsiah admitted that she objected to the regulation on the use of ID cards to buy subsidized gas.

"It's too complicated and difficult, if you can, you don't have to use an ID card," said Umsiah when asked if she agreed to buy a 3 kg gas cylinder and had to use an ID card.

A similar comment was also expressed by Sahuri, a meatball trader in the Jakarta area.

The policy of using ID cards to buy 3 kg LPG gas cylinders has been regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 104 of 2007 and Number 38 of 2019. In the Presidential Regulation, 3 kg LPG gas is only intended for households and micro businesses that are used for cooking. In addition, it is also intended for target fishermen and target farmers.

This decision was made as an effort by the government to optimize the distribution of 3 kg LPG gas so that the subsidy can be enjoyed by targeted community groups. Throughout 2020 to 2022, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources noted that the trend of consumers of subsidized LPG gas rose 4.5 percent while non-subsidized decreased by 10.9 percent.

In the midst of the massive rejection of residents regarding this new regulation, the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tutuka Ariadji, appealed to people who have not been registered to register immediately before purchasing 3 kg of LPG.

"This is a new habit in society, we ask because this is the goal to protect people who are entitled to receive subsidized LPG gas in the future, we hope that the community will help the government and themselves," said Tutuka.

In a press conference held in Jakarta some time ago, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources noted that 31.5 million Population Identification Numbers (NIK) had carried out 3 kg LPG transactions at sub-sectors or bases until December 31, 2023.

Meanwhile, unregistered communities can register at Pertamina's 3 kg LPG official base by bringing their KTP and Family Cards (KK). This is necessary to enter data into the platform application owned by the base, which can only be done at the official base.

The regulation for registering ID cards to buy 3 kg LPG gas also received attention from public policy observer Trubus Rahardiansyah. According to Trubus, this decision actually burdens the lower middle class, although he does not deny that this has a good purpose.

"Now everyone has to wear an ID card, and it's too bureaucratic even though this is for the needs of the lower or poor so that the impression is made difficult," Trubus told VOI.

"Yes, the goal is good, so that it is right on target. But this is an elitist policy and it burdens the community," added the lecturer at Trisakti University.

The use of ID cards for the purchase of 3 kg LPG has indeed raised many questions because the ID card is general, which only makes the identity of the owner. In the ID card owned by the Indonesian people, there is no information whether the owner is a rich or poor group who is said to have the right to buy a subsidized LPG.

Di sisi lain, Direktur Eksekutif Center of Reform Economic (CORE) Mohammad Faisal mengatakan, pemerintah perlu terus memperbarui data masyarakat yang berhak menerima subsidi energi agar kebijakan daftar untuk pembelian LPG 3 kg benar-benar efektif dan tepat sasaran.

"On the other hand, what should have been done was not helped. The poor who should receive it are not helped, so there really needs to be control over its distribution," said Faisal, quoted by Antara.

Faisal agreed with the 3 kg LPG distribution policy to registered or registered communities. This aims to improve the accuracy of the target distribution of subsidies. In addition, this policy is also needed to prevent errors in the distribution of LPG subsidies that can affect the target and even result in a waste of budget.

"Because in terms of limited supply, while if there is a lot of leaks, in the sense that it is accepted by people who are not worthy of receiving it, this in fact does not turn out to be right on target, the target is missing, and the budget is also wasted for subsidies," said Faisal.

Faisal added, if there is no improvement, the data will be noisy in creating error exclusion and error inclusion. The errorclusion occurs when people who should have received the help are not registered, while the inclusion of the error is the opposite, namely those who should not meet the requirements but still get it.

Therefore, Faisal emphasized the importance of constant updating and evaluation of recording systems to ensure effective and accurate distribution.