This Is The Special Team Of The NTSC Tasked With Investigating The 'Bull Fight' Of The Turangga-Commuterline Bandung Raya Train

The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has deployed a special team to investigate the scene of an accident involving the Turangga Train (KA) of the Surabaya Gubeng - Bandung and the Greater Bandung Commuter Line at km 181 + 700 plots of roads between Haurpugur Station - Cicalengka Station.

The chairman of the NTSC, Soerjanto Tjahjono, detailed that the team on duty consisted of Gusnaedi Rachmanas (IC), Aditya WS Yudishtira and Yogi Arisandi (Members), Agus Marson (Expert Officers). The investigation activity lasted for 4 days, starting from January 5, 2024 to January 8, 2024.

"We are currently collecting factual data and information, including statements from witnesses while waiting for the results of investigations from fellow investigators in the field. We will conduct a thorough analysis of the factors that contribute to the accident, as well as coordinate with several related parties," explained Soerjanto.

Because he had just dispatched an investigation team, he emphasized that currently the NTSC has not been able to provide information regarding the cause of the accident.

Soerjanto also expressed his deep condolences to the families of the victims and hoped that the injured victims would recover quickly. During the investigation process, he ensured that the NTSC would provide regular updates to the public.

"KNKT will work hard to ensure that the results of the investigation can provide adequate enlightenment and appropriate action to improve the safety of rail transportation in Indonesia," concluded Soerjanto.