Shooting 2 Drones, US Thwarts Attack On Its Base In Syria

JAKARTA - The United States Army thwarted an attack on its base in western Syria that occurred overnight by shooting down two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), sources said.

The sources said two children were injured when one of the drones crashed into settlements near the US military base.

No one has claimed responsibility for plans to attack US military bases in the al-Tanf region of Homs Province, near the Jordanian border.

The US has also not commented on the incident.

One of the drones crashed near a civilian settlement near the base, injuring two children, a source who asked not to be named.

Drones and unidentified land-to-ground weapons were repeatedly used in attacks on military bases in al-Tanf, Malikiyye District near Iraq's borders, Shaddadi District in Hasakah Province, and Deir ez-Zor Province.

A number of Iran-backed groups sometimes launched rocket and drone attacks on US bases on the east bank of the Erufrat River.

In a speech on October 17, Iranian Spiritual Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said if Israeli attacks continued, "the resistance forces" would take action.

A long time later, drone and rocket attacks hit US army bases in Syria and Iraq. The attack was launched by Iran-backed groups in Russia and Iraq.

The US government accuses Iran of being behind all those attacks.

The US contains airstrikes launched several times from a number of facilities used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its affiliated groups in eastern Syria, which first took place on October 27, 2023.