Mahfud MD Asks Alvin Lim To Report Details About Ferdy Sambo Not Detained In Salemba Prison

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD responded to Alvin Lim's lawyer's statement regarding the news of the defendant in the Ferdy Sambo premeditated murder case.

In the video footage, Alvin said Ferdy Sambo was not detained at the Salemba Correctional Institution (Lapas), Jakarta, but in the KPLP room equipped with a cooling engine or air conditioning engine.

"Yes, it's good if he has that information. Just let me know, where and when he sees it, just leave it behind," Mahfud said at the Diocese Wisma Cathedral, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 4.

Mahfud explained that the issue as mentioned by Alvin Lim was nothing new.

"If it's an issue like that, in Sukamiskin (Lapas) many people go home every day. Those are the questions that we have to solve if there is one," he said.

Meanwhile, Mahfud said that the person authorized to check the issue was the Inspector General who oversees the prison.

"There is no report to me. If you go to the prison, you will check it every time there will be an irjen, the Inspector General, that's what you always supervise. If there is something, I will call him," he said.

In addition, Mahfud argued that Alvin Lim's statement was unclear, so he submitted the resolution of the issue to the relevant institutions.

"But this is from Alvin, there are too many statements. Everything for him is a case. So it's not clear which one is right and wrong. Yes, let it be arrested by the relevant institutions," said Mahfud.

Terpidana Ferdy Sambo menjalani pidana penjara seumur hidup berdasarkan Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 813.K/Pid/2023 tanggal 8 Agustus 2023.