Train Ticket Order Application Was Errord, KAI Called Because Of Network Constraints

JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or KAI has opened its voice regarding the disruption of online ticket booking services through the Access by KAI application, external channels or partners, box counters, and the website that occurred this morning.

KAI's VP of Public Relations Joni Martinus said the disturbance was caused by network problems. So, continued Joni, it will have an impact on ordering online tickets.

"PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) apologizes for the disruption of sales services that had been experienced by customers," he said in an official statement, Thursday, January 4.

Joni said that currently the sale of train tickets has gradually returned to normal. This includes the implementation of online tickets through the official KAI application or website.

"Currently, online ticket sales are gradually normal and online ticket bookings can be done again," he said.

Furthermore, Joni suggested that the KAI IT Team had also taken various improvement steps, including increasing the quality of service by increasing capacity, reducing network redundancy and increasing security aspects.

"We are still evaluating so that the disturbance does not happen again. We hope that people will continue to use the rail mass transportation service which is safe, comfortable, and on time," he explained.