Mahfud Yakin Ganjar Siap Hadapi Debate Capres Soal Pertahanan

JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate Mahfud MD believes Ganjar Pranowo is ready to participate in the third debate of the 2024 presidential election which raised the theme of defense, security and geopolitical issues on January 7, 2024.

Mahfud said he did not give special input to the presidential candidate number 3.

"He has mastered it. I have spoken. So, I will not give special input, but I will accompany him because he is ready, both to accommodate questions and to ask questions in the debate. He is ready for everything," Mahfud MD said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 3.

The Ganjar-Mahfud pair in their vision document and mission raised the discourse of building a 5.0 defense system.

Related to that, Mahfud explained that the 5.0 defense system followed the fifth industrial era, which is often called 5.0.

"Yesterday 4.0, now 5.0, the continued development of the direction remains to AI (artificial intelligence) and digitization," said Mahfud.

In the vision and mission document, the Ganjar-Mahfud pair raised the country's sovereign mission with a defense system of 5.0. The program with respect to that, one of which is building the SAKTI defense equipment system (perkasa with a technological advantage of 5.0).

The candidate pair number 3 also highlighted the importance of building a maritime defense system, including in coastal areas. The related program is called Binteng Pertahanan Nusantara.

The discourse that the couple envisioned was developing a regional antiaccess and deterrence strategy to secure territorial sovereignty and exercise sovereign rights in the EEZ, especially in the corridors of maritime navigation and continental takeoff, aerospace and Indonesian space.

The couple also offered the idea of the Nusantara Cyber Shield which refers to increasing cyber capabilities by strengthening BSSN as the main cyber security institution and encouraging the formation of the TNI Cyber Force.