Receiving Support From The Buntet Islamic Boarding School, TKN Asks Kiai And Santri Prayers For Prabowo-Gibran's Victory

JAKARTA - The Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) received a declaration of support for the Candidate Pair and Prabowo subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka serial number.

This support was conveyed by the caretaker of the Buntet Islamic Boarding School, Cirebon, West Java, KH Adib Rofiuddin Izza, to the Chairman of the TKN Rossn Roeslani accompanied by the Secretary of the Nusron Wahid TKN and the Advisory Council of TKN Mochamad Iriawan or Iwan Bule.

"On his wishes today, our teachers, our elders, KH Adib Rofiuddin Izza as the leader of the Buntet Islamic Boarding School, Cirebon Insha Allah will express support for our presidential candidate, the fatur nuhun kiai," said Iwan Bule during a press conference at the Media Center TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 3.

"He (Prabowo, ed) has unanimous that God willing, the leader who is trusted later will be Mr. Prabowo and Mr. Gibran who will bring Indonesia to be more advanced, prosperous, better of course for the benefit of the country and the nation of Indonesia," he continued.

Iwan also asked Kiai Adib and all students of the Buntet Islamic Boarding School for Prabowo-Gibran's victory. He also asked for prayers for Prabowo and Gibran to always be given health and blessings so that they could lead Indonesia from developing to developed countries.

"He once said, before being summoned by the Almighty, he wanted to see Indonesia become a developed country jumping from developing countries," said Iwan.

KH Adib Rofiuddin Izza then explained about the support for the Buntet Islamic Boarding School in the 2024 presidential election. The reason is, there are rumors that Kiai Adib supports other candidate pairs.

"I explain to everyone, I tabayun, clarify that I, the elder and the entire Buntet Islamic boarding school have stated to fully support Mr. Prabowo Subianto as president, and to Gibran Rakabuming Raka," said Kiai Adib.

Kiai Adib hopes that Prabowo-Gibran can be trusted when leading Indonesia. He also prayed that the candidate pair number 2 could advance and prosper the nation.

"If Mr. Iwan said earlier, he would be able to advance the Indonesian nation from developing countries to advancing and we must have such confidence. God willing, Pak Prabowo will be able to be accompanied by Mas Gibran," said Kiai Adib.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the TKN Rosan Roeslani is grateful for the support provided by the Buntet, Cirebon Islamic Boarding School for the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2, Prabowo-Gibran.

"On behalf of Mr. Prabowo, mas Gibran, and the entire national campaign team, we would like to thank Mr. Prabowo and also Mr. Gibran for becoming president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024-2029," said Rosan.

"Obviously this support has a very big meaning and meaning to all of us, because we are more energetic, more confident and more enthusiastic in carrying out our campaigning duties, which are under 45 days," he continued.