Changes To Platform X: Headline Reappears In Cards URL

JAKARTA - PlatformX (formerly Twitter) has implemented changes to the URL card display by restoring the headline or title on the cards.

Although Elon Musk, the platform owner, previously removed the headline last year for aesthetic reasons, this latest change makes it easy for users to find out what content will be accessed.

In this latest change, the headline or title appears on top of the image that directs the user to a specific website page. While this fix is considered positive, there are still some shortcomings, such as if the headline is too long, it will be cut by using elliptics, and text is quite small.

But this is a better step than ever where the image only covers the domain of the website being linked.

Owner X, Elon Musk, has promised that the headline will reappear on the URL cards in the upcoming release, and it appears the changes are starting to apply. Although not yet visible on the iOS app, it is likely to appear later.

On Android, the headline is still working as before before all these changes still appear under the image so it's not clear when or if these changes will be applied there.