BMKG Launches 'Civil View 2024' That Can Be Used By K/L And Local Governments

JAKARTA - Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati said that her party had released "Climate Outlook 2024" which could be used by ministries or institutions, local governments and all related parties.

Dwikorita said the 2024 Climate View could be one of the guidelines for planning and development activities in related sectors or affected by climate phenomena.

Dwikorita further said that throughout 2024, climate disruption from the Pacific Ocean, namely ENSO, is predicted to be in the El Nino Weak-Moderat phase in early 2024 and then until the end of 2024, it is predicted to be in the Neutral phase.

"There is a small chance to develop into the La Nina phenomenon which is a trigger for the wet climate anomaly. Likewise with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) phenomenon which is the cause of climate disturbance from the Indian Ocean, it is predicted that it will be in the Neutral phase from the beginning to the end of 2024," said Dwikorita in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 1.

Based on the dynamics of the atmosphere, continued Dwikorita, the amount of annual rainfall in 2024 is predicted to generally range from normal conditions. However, there are several areas that are predicted to experience annual rain above normal.

The region includes a small part of Aceh, southern West Sumatra, a small part of Riau, a small part of South Kalimantan, a small part of Gorontalo, a small part of Central Sulawesi, northern West Sulawesi, a small part of South Sulawesi, a small part of West Papua and northern Papua.

In addition, added Dwikorita, there are also areas that are predicted to experience annual rain below normal, namely covering parts of Banten, a small part of West Java, a small part of Central Java, parts of Yogyakarta, a small part of East Java, a small part of East Nusa Tenggara, and southern Papua.

"Although the 2024 dry season is predicted to run normally, there are areas that have the potential to experience drought because climateally it does have low rainfall, which includes parts of Lampung, parts of Java, parts of Bali, parts of West Nusa Tenggara, parts of East Nusa Tenggara and southern Papua," said Dwikorita. also: BMKG invites the world of collaboration to produce accurate and reliable marine data

Meanwhile, BMKG Deputy for Climatology Ardhasena Sopaheliwakan said that in this climate view BMKG also included a number of general recommendations for related or affected sectors by the climate phenomenon.

Among them are taking anticipatory steps against the potential amount of annual rainfall in 2023 which exceeds the average or exceeds its normal limit, which can trigger wet hydrometeorological disasters such as floods, flash floods and landslides, as well as potential rainfall below normal which can trigger drought and its continued impact in the form of forest and land fires in the 2024 dry season.

Ardhasena said that it increases the optimization of the function of water resource infrastructure in urban areas or those that are prone to flooding, such as the preparation of capacity in the drainage system, the infiltration system and water storage, so that optimally it can prevent flooding.

In addition, it is also necessary to ensure the reliability of the operations of reservoirs, reservoirs, retention ponds, and other artificial water storage for the management of high rainfall during the rainy season and its use during the dry season.

"Regarding the handling of the dry season, although the 2024 dry season is predicted not to fade the 2023 dry season, it is still necessary to be aware of the potential for forest and land fires in 2024, especially in the first dry period in February 2024 for the coastal areas of East Sumatra, as well as the second period of dryness starting May 2024 for other areas prone to forest and land fires," he said.