Containing Gas, Acting Regent Of Pamekasan Asks Residents Not To Consume Bor Water In Kadur Village

JAKARTA - Acting (Pj) Regent of Pamekasan Masrukin stated that the water from the bore well that splashes in Kadur Village is not safe to consume because it contains gas."Therefore, we ask the public not to consume this water first. If it's for washing and bathing, it doesn't matter," he said while visiting the location of the drilling well in Kadur Village, Kadur District, Pamekasan, Madura Island, Antara, Sunday, December 31.The Regent came to the location with the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Yusuf Wibiseno, as well as a number of leaders of regional apparatus organizations within the Pamekasan Regency Government.Masrukin saw closely the bursts of water from the drilling water pipe that burst to the height of the 14 meters."We have coordinated with the East Java Provincial Government's ESDM Office and so far the results of the lab test are not known," he said.Masrukin said, last Thursday, the Staff for Geology and Groundwater at the East Java Provincial Government's Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office came directly to inspect the location of the burst. Officers have taken water samples for laboratory tests in Surabaya.Until now, he continued, the results were not known. However, based on temporary security in the field at that time, the burst of water from the resident's drill well was normal, safe to use for toilet washing (MCK).Read also: The Geological Agency explains the bursts of fire from the bore well on the Cipali Toll RoadHowever, what must be watched out for is that the gas content in the water is quite large and is expected to be normal for the next month.The burst of water containing gas from the bore well in Kadur Village reaches a height of 15 meters.Also read: BPBD: Spray water contains gas in the Eastern Seram that is not toxicThe burst of water from the drilling site occurred since Wednesday (27/12) night at around 21.30 WIB, when a resident named Junaidi drilled his plantation.
When the drill depth reached 141 meters, suddenly a rumbling sound was heard from the earth's stomach, and not long after, water burst out of the drilling pipe with the height of the burst reaching 15 meters.