These 6 Fruits Are Useful In Lowering High Blood Pressure
YOGYAKARTA Research proves that certain types of foods help lower blood pressure. In addition to vegetables and nuts, certain fruits are also of the same benefit. Because the diet has a huge effect on blood pressure, it is important to be selective in choosing types of foods that are good for overall health or with specific purposes, such as controlling blood pressure. Here, fresh fruits that you can absorb the benefits of lowering high blood pressure.
Blueberry and strawberries contain antioxidant compounds called antosianin, a type of flavonoid. The 2019 review showed anthocin-rich berries could lower blood pressure. However, they emphasize that these results are not common and may depend on several factors, including the length of research, initial characteristics, and doses.
Review authors and other researchers suggest that further evidence is needed to prove this claim. To enjoy berries, eat them as snacks or sweet snacks after eating add them to the smoothie sprinkle over the meal for breakfast
One serving of kiwi every day can lower systolic blood pressure, according to the 2022 random control trial. People who eat 2 kiwis per day before breakfast for 7 weeks experience a decrease in systolic blood pressure by 2.7 millimeters (mmHg) compared to the control group.
Kiwi is also rich in vitamin C. A meta-analytical in 2020 shows that vitamin C supplementation significantly reduces blood pressure in people with primary hypertension. Kiwi is easily added to lunch or smoothie.
Semangka contains amino acids called citrulline. The body converts citrulline into arginine, and this helps the body produce nitric oxides, gases that paze blood vessels and encourage arterial flexibility.
This effect helps blood flow, which can lower high blood pressure. Controlled small trials in 2023 observed the effect of watermelon juice on the blood pressure of young and healthy adults. Researchers found that watermelon juice lowers its systolic blood pressure for two hours. Similarly, meta-analytics in 2023 showed that research until 2021 supported the effect of lowering blood pressure watermelons. However, authors highlight the need for more trials with larger sample sizes.
Preys contain antioxidants and other ingredients that can help prevent high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. A trial in 2018 showed that consumption of airedhamphetamine daily can lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in diabetics.
However, the author stressed the need for further research. You can eat wholepairs or as juice. When buying packagedselves juice, check to make sure there is no additional sugar.
Oranges contain hesperiidin, an antioxidant that is beneficial for heart health. In the 2021 study, 159 people consumed 500 ml of orange juice enriched by hesperidin. The results show that regularly consuming orange juice can help lower the cystolic and hesperiidin blood pressure contribute to this effect.
Bananas contain potassium that can help manage hypertension. One medium-sized banana contains about 422 milligrams (mg) of potassium. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), potassium reduces sodium effects and reduces strain on the walls of blood vessels. But according to Medical News Today, Sunday, December 31, people with kidney disease should consult a doctor before increasing potassium intake, as too much can be dangerous.
Those are fruits that are useful for lowering high blood pressure. You can store the above information and absorb the benefits by consuming the list of fruits above.