Fooled By Fictitious Work, Rayen Pono Admits There Have Been Many Victims From Celebrities

JAKARTA - Unpleasant news from singer Rayen Pono who recently became a victim of fraud by an individual who claimed to be from the PUPR Ministry. Feeling that he did not accept being deceived up to Rp. 19 million, Rayen accompanied by his attorney reported this incident to the Polda Metro Jaya on Friday, December 29. He said that it was not only him who had become a victim of this mode. "After I told this on social media, it turned out that there were a lot of DM responses from friends who experienced the same thing," said Rayen Pono at Polda Metro Jaya, Friday, December 29. Rayen told that these fraudsters used the same mode as other fellow artists. "The same case, the same narrative, there were even some of the same account numbers and the phone numbers of this same person," Rayen continued. Rayen added that this mode turned out to have been going on for quite a long time based on stories that he got from fellow artists who were also victims. "This is not a new one, it's already the one who confessed to 2017, 2018 and I just got another update from the news," he said.

This ultimately moved Rayen to continue his legal path in the hope of helping fellow artists who are also victims. "So I thought, 'oh, I think I have to make this report', hopefully I can represent others as well," he said.