Asmawa Tosepu Officially Inaugurated As Acting Regent Of Bogor, A Crowded Task Awaits

JAKARTA - Acting Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin, inaugurated Asmawa Tosepu as Acting Regent of Bogor replacing the Regent of Bogor, the remaining 2018-2023 term of office, Iwan Setiawan.

The inauguration was carried out in the West Hall of Gedung Sate Bandung, carried out based on the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number of 2023 concerning the Appointment of Acting Regent of Bogor, West Java Province.

Asmawa Tosepu currently serves as Head of the General Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Chairman of the Provincial Management Board of the Ministry of Civil Service Higher Education Alumni Family Association or DPP IKAPTK of Southeast Sulawesi Province.

Previously, Asmawa had also just finished carrying out his duties as Acting Mayor of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, in the period of October 10, 2022 and was completed on December 23, 2023.

Acting Bogor Regent Asmawa Tosepu will lead Bogor Regency until the definitive Bogor Regent is elected in the election for regent November 2024.

"Today we together witnessed the inauguration of the Acting Regent of Bogor and we also express our highest gratitude and appreciation to the Regent of Bogor for the remaining period of office 2018-2023, Mr. Iwan Setiawan," said Acting Governor Bey Machmudin, Saturday 30 December 2023, in an official statement from the West Java Provincial Government Public Relations.

Meanwhile, Bey Machmudin immediately gave Asmawa a tough task. The Acting Governor of West Java asked the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) in Bogor Regency to be conducive in order to realize the peaceful, smooth and fair elections. Not to forget, the neutrality of ASN, TNI/Polri continues to be maintained.

This task is certainly in line with the declaration from the West Java Provincial Government to face the 2024 General Election with the slogan "Jabar Anteng" which has the extension of West Java, Safe, Neutral, and Calm.

In addition, the Acting Regent of Bogor also has homework in sight where Bogor is often a tourist destination at the end of the year. Asmawa Tosepu must immediately move to overcome the potential for congestion in the Puncak area during the New Year holidays.

"We will soon be heading towards 2024, where that year there will be simultaneous elections."

"The big homework is waiting for us to know that Bogor Regency will always be crowded at the end of the year."

"Of course you must immediately work in the Puncak area in order to anticipate traffic jams and maintain security. What is no less important is the amount of waste from the results of the New Year celebration," said Bey Machmudin.

It did not stop there, Bey Machmudin further suggested that the Acting Regent of Bogor be based in Parung Panjang District. According to him, currently Parung Panjang residents really need the presence of the Government. Moreover, the issue of mining trucks certainly requires proper handling.

So far, Bey himself admitted that his party together with the West Java Police Chief and Pangdam III/Siliwangi are ready to support law enforcement from the Acting Regent of Bogor in the Parung Panjang area.

"It's a good idea for you in the first week to have an office in Parung Panjang District. People need law enforcement in regulating mining trucks."

"Coordinate with the Bogor Police Chief and the local Dandim," said Acting Governor of West Java.

The problem that occurred in Parung Panjang did need immediate treatment. Apart from the need for firmness of the Acting Regent of Bogor, the repair of the Parung Panjang road must also be carried out immediately.

Bey Machmudin said that the PUPR Ministry is planned to repair Parung Panjang road in the first quarter of 2024.

In addition, the West Java Provincial Government is ready to help coordinate with Banten Province regarding the mining truck transportation, which will be continued with discussion of special mining roads in the Parung Panjang area.