West Java Provincial Government Appreciates Exemplary Tax Payers At The 2023 Philothra Award

JAKARTA - The West Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) appreciates the state civil servants (ASN), regional apparatus and the district and city governments (Pemda) who are considered obedient to paying motor vehicle taxes, both private and official.

Not only that, private companies and regional companies (BUMD) cannot be separated from appreciation. You see, appreciation is not limited to motor vehicle taxes, but also surface water and cigarettes taxes.

The awarding of appreciation was held at the 2023 Philothra event at the Mason Pine Hotel, Padalarang, Bandung Regency.

Acting Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the highest level of ASN, regional apparatus, and district and city governments for their good achievements in the level of compliance with motor vehicle tax payments.

This can be seen from the high number of motor vehicle tax payments and always on time. Thus, the taxes paid are a contribution in development in West Java.

"We are grateful to Mr/Mrs who have made tax payments on time. You not only pay taxes, but contribute to development," said Bey Machmudin.

Bey further said that the taxes collected would be the main source of income for local governments to finance various development programs in the fields of education, health, infrastructure, and various social programs that are directly beneficial to the community.

The West Java Provincial Government continues to strive to manage this motor vehicle tax in a transparent, accountable and efficient manner. The use of tax funds is channeled for the common good at this time and later.

"It is important for us to understand that every rupiah that we donate through taxes has a large value for regional progress," said Bey.

Recipients Of The 2023 Philothra Award

District/City Government Category For Motor Vehicle Tax Exemplary

Bandung City Government's Regional Government Cluster

Cluster B Pemerintah Daerah Kota Cimahi

Cluster C Pemerintah Daerah Kota Banjar

District/City Government Category Exemplary Of Motorized Vehicles

Cluster A Of The Bogor Regency Government

Cluster B of Regional Governments of Cianjur Regency

Cluster C Of Cirebon City Government

Regional Government Category/City Exemplary Of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Exemplary

Cluster A Bekasi City Government

Cluster B Of Bogor City Regional Government

Cluster C Pangandaran Regency Government

Regional Government Category/City Surface Water Tax Exemplary

Cluster A Of The Cianjur Regency Government

Cluster B Indramayu Regency Government

Cluster C Pemerintah Daerah Majalengka Regency

Category Of Regency/City Government Exemplary Cigarette Tax

1. Garut Regency Regional Government2. Bandung Regency Government 3. Sumedang Regency Government

Private Taxpayer Category Motor Vehicle Tax Exemplary

1. Agus Diki Arisandi from Bandung City 2. Suherli Bekasi City

Taxpayer Category For Motor Vehicle Tax Exemplary Companies

1. PT Setia Guna Selaras Bekasi Regency 2. PT Pacific Motor Bekasi City

Private Taxpayer Category Exemplary Of Motor Vehicle Names

1. Rachellya Zahra Utami Bandung City

Taxpayer Category Exemplary Of Motor Vehicle Names

1. PT Cipta Jaya Arthamakmur Bekasi City

Category Of Regional Apparatus Providers Of Exemplary Regional Retribution Services

1. West Java Provincial Health Office2. West Java Province Human Resources Development Agency3. West Java Province Food Security and Livestock Service

Category Of Regional Apparatus For Exemplary Physical DAK Management

1. West Java Provincial Education Office

Category Must Collect Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Exemplary Board

1. PT Pertamina Patraniaga

Exemplary BUMD Category

1. PT Migas Utama Jabar 2. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat Dan Banten, Tbk.

The Partner Category For Cooperation In The Utilization Of Exemplary Assets

1. PT Langen Krida Patriangga2. PT Badminton Lestari Makmur