TNI Commander Gives Free Asih And Umrah Ropes For TNI Soldiers And Civil Servants

JAKARTA - TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto provides free compassion and Umrah for soldiers and TNI civil servants.

The symbolic handover was carried out at the Plaza of the Soedirman building, TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Friday, December 29.

At that moment, the TNI Commander first congratulated the Christian soldiers on Christmas Day as well as welcomed the New Year 2024

As a form of concern and concern, the TNI Commander gave compassion to all members of the TNI Headquarters in the form of distributing food packages.

Another form of concern and concern was also given by the TNI Commander by dispatching free Umrah for soldiers.

"Those who pray at dawn in the mosque go forward, later we will perform it gradually so that we both worship," he continued.

Furthermore, the TNI Commander gave directions and emphasis to all TNI soldiers who will carry out the New Year's holiday to always pay attention to health and safety.

"All personnel must always maintain their health, maintain beauty and cleanliness, then take a New Year's holiday, if you travel carefully and don't forget to pray every activity," he concluded.