National Police Chief Visits 2 Islamic Boarding Schools In Pasuruan, Runs The 2024 Election Cooling System Program
PASURUAN - In the framework of the Nusantara Cooling System operation, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo visited two Islamic Boarding Schools (Ponpes) in the Pasuruan area, East Java.
The two Ponpes visited by the National Police Chief are Darul Lughoh Wadda'wah (Dalwa) Bangil and Ponpes Sidogiri in Kraton. A visit is to ensure the situation is conducive during the series of stages of the 2024 election.
"Alhamdulillah, I had the opportunity to stay in touch with Darullughah Wadda'wah (Dalwa) Islamic Boarding School in Pasuruan, East Java. This gathering is an effort to cool the system to maintain a conducive situation during the series of stages of the 2024 General Election," said Sigit in a written statement, Friday, December 28.
The arrival of the National Police Chief was welcomed by the leaders of Ponpes, students and the local community. The National Police Chief also made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Al Habib Hasan Baharun, the founder of Dalwa Islamic Boarding School.
Discussions with the leaders of Islamic boarding schools are expected to maintain the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.
"We discussed warmly, discussing joint efforts to maintain unity and integrity, which is the most important capital for the nation's development towards Indonesia Gold 2045," said Sigit.
At the location, the National Police Chief also reviewed the complete and adequate educational facilities of the Dalwa Islamic Boarding School.
"The review of the complete and adequate educational facilities of Dalwa Islamic Boarding School, where this is very important in order to produce superior human resources, integrity, competitiveness and morals in order to reap the benefits of demographic bonuses," said Sigit.