Mahija Parahita Nusantara Foundation Provides Education Support For Recycled Heroes

JAKARTA - The Mahija Parahita Nusantara Foundation strengthens its commitment to support the education of the recycling hero community.

This was done through the signing of a Joint Understanding (MOU) regarding the support of operational funds and infrastructure development as well as basic training for 5 non-formal schools spread across the area around DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek).

"Building Hope Indonesia is an educational support program for the children of the recycling hero community so that they can be independent in a sustainable manner and have access to education that is needed for the future of the younger generation," explained Deputy Chairman of the Mahija Parahita Nusantara Foundation Suharji Gasali in his official statement.

Suharji said that this program has the aim of developing, supporting and providing infrastructure to the PET bottle collection community after consumption to ensure higher school graduation rates also build value and character for a strong generation in the future.

As for 2024, Mahija Parahita Nusantara has signed a Joint Understanding with five schools, namely Air Care, Oki Learning School, Luminare-Domus School, Angkol School, and Swara Peduli. Thus, there are 7 non-formal schools that have been adopted by Mahija Parahita Nusantara through the Building Hope Indonesia program.

In addition, on this occasion the establishment of the Rangkul Peduli Sesama Foundation and the Cahaya Rumah Ilang Indonesia Foundation was also carried out to assist non-formal schools in having legality so that they could develop in academic and administrative functions.

"We really appreciate Mahija Parahita Nusantara who is committed to supporting non-formal schools, not only in terms of operations but also the development of infrastructure and human resources through training and assistance," explained the representative from the Sotar KDM School.

Sotar hopes that this support can increase the participation of students at every level of education because the number of students is consistently reduced once participants enter a higher level of education.

As for this support, his party also hopes to open opportunities to collaborate with industry players so that they can open up opportunities for other partnerships.

In accordance with the government's target to provide freedom of access for the people of pre-prosperous to proper education, Mahija Parahita Nusantara initiated school adoption, scholarships, mobile schools and provided access to job training for the children of the recycling hero community.

Targeted by 2024, more than 4,000 students can benefit from this program.

Mahija Parahita Nusantara has now grown and developed by becoming partners for 24 Collection Centers throughout Indonesia and embracing more than 30,000 recycled heroes (post-consuming PET bottle collectors).

"Support for non-formal schools is a form of our commitment to provide a better standard of living for the used PET bottle collection community. We believe that with the opportunity to get education, children in the scavenger community can become agents of positive changes in society and be able to create sustainable changes," concluded Suharji.