Cak Imin Wants The Food Distribution Mafia To Be Swept Away

JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president number 1, Muhaimin Iskandar, or Cak Imin said traditional markets in sub-districts will not be disrupted by technological and digital developments.
"If traditional markets like this will not be disturbed because their daily needs are more dominant. But if the clothing fashion market should indeed become one unit," said Cak Imin after reviewing the Menganti market, Gresik was reported by ANTARA, Friday, December 29.
Cak Imin assessed that these markets must slowly adapt to technological developments, especially for non-pook needs.
Tapi di Kampung, di Kabupaten seperti di Gresik, di pasar-pasar kecamatan seperti ini adaptasinya harus dimulai. Meskipun pasar ini tumbuh mulai jam 01 pagi sampai jam 09 pagi, perlahan tapi pasti yang non kebutuhan principal harus beradaptasi dengan pasar IT, termasuk perdagangan online, sambung Ketua Umum Partai PKB itu.
After seeing the Replacement market, Cak Imin said that producers are still effective and reach traditional markets. However, what needs to be overcome is starting from the distribution process between producers to consumers with tengkulak and mafia
In this case, continued Cak Imin, the government must play a role in shortening the distance between producers and buyers.
"God willing, because this market cycles from upstream producers, consumers, to the highest economic process, namely growth. From that process, many are involved, producers, intermediaries (Distributors), tengkulak, mafia, then buyers. This must then be overcome. The government is here to shorten the distance between producers and buyers, "he said.